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07/15/16 01:47 am

Largefortunes Enterprise: @ramita, Thank you for your feedback. Which new book topics would you prefer to see listed?

07/15/16 01:46 am

Largefortunes Enterprise: @ngidim, Yes we are still operational. You can place your orders and receive within a day after payments.

07/15/16 01:45 am

Largefortunes Enterprise: @odhiambo, Yes you can buy via MPESA.

05/29/15 01:45 pm

Largefortunes Enterprise: Thank you all for connecting with Largefortunes Enterprise. Have a brilliant day.

02/13/15 11:24 pm

Largefortunes Enterprise: Once you place your order for Angel Ascendancy, we will communicate to you where to send your payments via your email.

02/13/15 11:23 pm

Largefortunes Enterprise: You receive your Tcurrency payments in your Tripleclicks account as soon as you pay for it.

02/13/15 11:23 pm

Largefortunes Enterprise: Getting Tcurrency to help you set SO is instant as soon as we receive your payment. When creating a SO, just check Tcurrency as your payment option and make sure that you have the required amount of Tcurrency.

01/24/15 03:10 am

Largefortunes Enterprise: GOOD NEWS. We have permanently removed the transaction fees for Tcurrency. From now, you pay what you see on your laptop with the conversion currency.

10/17/14 09:01 am

Largefortunes Enterprise: Tcurrency issue has been restored. Regards

10/10/14 12:52 am

Largefortunes Enterprise: We are facing challenges with our TCurrency page. Kindly bare with us as TC tries to fix it. Regards

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Official TripleClicks time: April 29th, 2024 10:54:52 PM
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