Graphics Design For Beginners

Retail Price: $37.00
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Discover Critical Information You Need to Know if You Want to Become an Elite Graphic Designers. The following are some of the things you will learn about: * What is a graphic designer? There are so many different types of graphic designers, that it's usually a good idea to know what you will specialize in. On top of that, most graphic designers will need to be trained in...psychology?!? You'll learn why. * What qualifications are needed? Do you HAVE to go to school, or can you be an effective graphic designer without it? More importantly, what are your potential clients looking for in a designer? * What kind of training is available for graphic design? In this section, you'll get a brief overview of some of the accredited training available. Do you need the works, or are you proficient enough to do just a little training to be ready to go? And a lot more..