Membership Sites Secrets

Retail Price: $77.00
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Membership sites are a very good and very profitable business model. If you've ever hung out at an Internet-marketing forum or spoken to other Internet marketers, you will realize that pretty much all of them consider membership sites to be a good thing. They think it's something that is wonderful, something that makes them money. And they do. A good membership site can make you an awful lot of money. The "Membership Site Secrets" program will tell you everything you need to know in order to set up a profitable membership site from scratch and run it well. Here's a more detailed look at this step-by-step course: Video 1 - Introduction Video 2 - Why A Membership Site? Video 3 - Picking A Script Video 4 - Membership Scripts Video 5 - Picking A Niche Video 6 - Membership Site Formats Video 7 - Providing Content Video 8 - Retaining Members Video 9 - Common Membership Sites Mistakes Video 10 - Succeeding With A Membership Site Video 11 - Driving Traffic Video 12 - Summary