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In many cases, the causes of sickness can be traced to error in • Irregularities in eating and nutrition, Insufficiency in health education and Lack of adequate practical health knowledge. The young ones have as a duty to study, to find the causes and prevention of the sickness.. Young ones should learn how best to preserve and conserve the physical, mental and spiritual powers. An education in the things that concern life and health is very important for healthy development of children and youth. Young ones should realize that if they desire good health, they must obey the law of nature. Though the result may not be a rapid improvement at the initial period, do not be discouraged, but patiently and perseveringly continue your work. Notwithstanding the enormous progress made so far in many areas of life concerning comfort and conveniences of life, health education was never more needed than now. Health education to the youth, family and community as a whole is the responsibility of all who have the well being of their fellow man at heart. It is good to pay attention to the sick that need direct care but it is also important to recognize that the young ones and the whole families that made up the communities need to be well informed about: • Prevention of diseases (prevention simply implies searching for and removing causes and building up resistance for diseases.Right habits of healthy living and Knowledge that promote good health The best hope for a better healthy tomorrow for our youth is the education of the people in right principles for a healthy mind and body. It is also a sacred duty of every person, for his own sake, family and the sake of the humanity to be well informed in health matter and to live a conscious preventive healthy life.