10 TCards (includes 100 VP)

Retail Price: $9.90
You Save: $9.90 (100%)

Spread the word about TripleClicks.com and attract new customers with TripleClicks TCards! These standard plastic cards come in a pack of 10, feature an attractive TripleClicks logo design, and are redeemable for 6 TCredits and 100 MRP each at TripleClicks.com.

Distribute these cards as "free samples" of the TC Store to your friends, family members, and others in your community. They'll love getting something for free, and you'll be practicing one of the best and most proven methods for gaining new customers in marketing history!

Each TCard comes with a unique Redemption Code printed on a .5 x 1.75" label. Simply apply the labels to each of your cards, and you're ready to go. Card recipients will access the URL printed on the card (www.tripleclicks.com/tcard), enter the Redemption Code, and register as a TripleClicks member. They'll then have immediate access to the six TCredits and 100 MRP (Member Rewards Points)–the card's $12 face value–that their TCard entitles them to.

All of your unique Redemption Codes are permanently assigned to your SFI ID number in our database. So, no matter WHEN the card is redeemed or by whom, YOU will be the beneficiary (so long as you remain an active SFI Affiliate). You will be recorded as their Referrer and they'll be recorded as your PRM (Personally Referred TripleClicks Member).

PLUS...you'll receive 10 VP per card (maximum 300 VP per month) upon your submission of distribution card details at your TCard Tracker report at https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/MyReports/GCtracking.

IMPORTANT! TCards cannot be redeemed by existing SFI affiliates or existing TC members.


To help you distribute your cards, we've put together an extensive TCARD GUIDE for you. The TCard Guide includes and provides access to:

* Complete details on the TripleClicks TCard program
* FAQs (frequently asked questions)
* Real-time, 24/7 card tracking and stats
* Promo images for online marketing of TCards
* Customizable PDF promo signs in different sizes
* How to use TCards to get 300 Bonus Action VersaPoints (or more) each month
* How TCards can create multiple lifetime income streams for you
* How to win valuable daily prizes by distributing TCards
* How to use TCards to boost ECA referrals
* How giving away just one TCard a day can create a full-time, residual income and get you to Team Leader status in record time
* How to explode your results by co-oping with local businesses and organizations
* How to boost duplication in your team with TCard contests
* How to use TCard to gain new PRMs daily from your cold market
* How TCard can make great presents during the holidays
* How to help yourself while helping local schools & fundraising organizations
* How to get a prestigious new DistribuSTAR badge for your SFI homepage
* More!

The TCard Guide is located at:
