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10/18/17 02:12 pm

Elly Gifts: Order#: 3142055 ,Order#: 3142068, **S.M.2 PACKS WOW OFFER ! 10 SA FOR $7.99 !!!LIMITED TIME OFFER! processed and shipped! Thank you for shopping in Elly Gifts!

10/18/17 02:09 pm

Elly Gifts: Order#: 3143222 **I.O**10 unique and creative text ads that will bring you more signups ARE SENT TO YOUR EMAIL .please check your email with subject "10 unique and creative text ads that will bring you more signups"Thank you for shopping in Elly Gifts!

10/17/17 11:38 am

Elly Gifts: Order#: 3141948 **S.W.**WOW OFFER ! 10 SA FOR $7.99 !!!LIMITED TIME OFFER!processed and shipped! Thank you for shopping in Elly Gifts!

10/17/17 11:38 am

Elly Gifts: Order#: 3141874 **A.L.*HOT! HOT!30 INTERNATIONAL PSA FOR YOUR BUSINESS $0.70 EACH
processed and shipped! Thank you for shopping in Elly Gifts!

10/17/17 11:37 am

Elly Gifts: Order#: 3141872 ** WOW OFFER ! 10 SA FOR $7.99 !!!LIMITED TIME OFFER! processed and shipped! Thank you for shopping in Elly Gifts!

10/17/17 11:37 am

Elly Gifts: Order#: 3141867 **J.M.**2 PACKS WOW OFFER ! 10 SA FOR $7.99 !!!LIMITED TIME OFFER! processed and shipped! Thank you for shopping in Elly Gifts!

10/17/17 11:36 am

Elly Gifts: Order#: 3141854 **C.A,*WOW OFFER ! 10 SA FOR $7.99 !!!LIMITED TIME OFFER!processed and shipped! Thank you for shopping in Elly Gifts!

10/17/17 11:35 am

Elly Gifts: Order#: 3141663 **A.K.**3 PACKS WOW OFFER! 5SA FOR $4.99 !!!LIMITED TIME OFFER! processed and shipped! Thank you for shopping in Elly Gifts!

10/17/17 11:33 am

Elly Gifts: Order#: 3141488 **E.L.**WOW OFFER!20 INTERNATIONAL PSA FOR YOUR BUSINESS $0.80 EACH processed and shipped! Thank you for shopping in Elly Gifts!

10/17/17 11:32 am

Elly Gifts: Order#: 3141416 **A.T.**2 PACKS WOW OFFER ! 10 SA FOR $7.99 !!!LIMITED TIME OFFER! processed and shipped! Thank you for shopping in Elly Gifts!

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