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03/06/16 08:59 am

Elly Gifts: Vintage Women Fashion Lots Style Gold Plated Bangle Punk Cuff Bracelet Jewelry
$5.99 free shipping

03/04/16 08:42 am

Elly Gifts: Order#: 2105689 Shipped on 2016-02-28

03/04/16 08:42 am

Elly Gifts: Order#: 2112901 Shipped on 2016-02-29

03/04/16 08:41 am

Elly Gifts: Order#: 2117480 Shipped on 2016-03-03

02/27/16 10:49 am

Elly Gifts: Order#: 2101784processed and shipped out for CROATIA thank you

02/27/16 01:21 am

Elly Gifts: Order#: 2101883 DARINKA MAKSIMOVIC was shipped

02/27/16 01:20 am

Elly Gifts: Order#: 2102057 was shipped Tatijana Stegnjaic thank you

02/27/16 01:19 am

Elly Gifts: Order#: 2102199 was shipped thank you Joanna Wilbanks

02/26/16 04:43 am

Elly Gifts: Dear Darinka Order#: 2101883 Shipped thank you for purchase

02/26/16 12:20 am

Elly Gifts: Kassie Thweatt Order#: 2101090 and Order#: 2101080 was processed and shipped out thank you fir shopping at Elly Gifts

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