Prilikom svakog procesa pranja veša, boje se odvajaju od tkanine što dovodi do mešanja boja u veš mašini. Sa K2r hvatačem boja, možete biti sigurni da nećete imati ovakav problem. Zahvaljujući svojoj specijalnoj formuli, K2r maramice deluju poput magneta te privlače boje i prljavštine odvojene tokom pranja, pružajući zaštitu vašem vešu. Pakovanje: 40 komada. ISPORUKA SAMO NA TERITORIJI SRBIJE _______________________________________________________________________________________ During each washing process, dyes are separated from the fabric, which leads to mixing of colors in the washing machine. With the K2r color catcher, you can be sure that you will not have this problem. Thanks to its special formula, K2r wipes act like magnets and attract colors and dirt separated during washing, providing protection to your laundry. Packaging: 40 pieces. DELIVERY ONLY ON THE TERRITORY OF SERBIA
16.9 USD InStock
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K2R hvatač boja 40 kom

K2R hvatač boja 40 kom


You save 15% off the regular price of $19.90
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Prilikom svakog procesa pranja veša, boje se odvajaju od tkanine što dovodi do mešanja boja u veš mašini. Sa K2r hvatačem boja, možete biti sigurni da nećete imati ovakav problem.

Zahvaljujući svojoj specijalnoj formuli, K2r maramice deluju poput magneta te privlače boje i prljavštine odvojene tokom pranja, pružajući zaštitu vašem vešu.

Pakovanje: 40 komada.



During each washing process, dyes are separated from the fabric, which leads to mixing of colors in the washing machine. With the K2r color catcher, you can be sure that you will not have this problem.

Thanks to its special formula, K2r wipes act like magnets and attract colors and dirt separated during washing, providing protection to your laundry.

Packaging: 40 pieces.


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