Healthy Eating The Secret to Feeling Fantastic, Looking Younger And Adding Years to Your Life Healthy eating is essential to your health and well being. In your great grandparents' days, healthy eating was easy. Food was grown on nutrient rich soil without herbicides and pesticides. It was whole, natural and unprocessed. Meals, breads and desserts were cooked or baked in the home from scratch, not produced in a laboratory from chemicals not intended for human consumption. Most American and European adults face obesity and health related problems. With changing lifestyles, adults fail to pay attention to their nutritional needs. We eat either too much or too little. We are malnourished. A majority of us loses that perfect balance of diet and proper eating habits in the competitive world, where our focus is towards greater earnings. This has affected our lives, and filled it with physical stress and mental pressures. It is high time now that we all give healthy eating first priority and spend our time in better living. Increasing responsibilities requires one to intake more nutritious and healthy food. With so much to do, your body should get all the essential minerals and vitamins, since improper diets lead to weakness, fatigue and stress. Take precautions and have proper meals at the right time, since having very little food will not fulfil the bodys needs, leaving you sick and tired. This is a good example and a warning for your kids as you keep telling them repeatedly to eat healthy to keep fit and trim. The Consequences of NOT Eating Healthy Food Many people question the importance of healthy eating because they seemed to be fine not eating healthfully for many years. Then all, of a sudden, they don't feel well, they've been diagnosed with diabetes, heart disease or cancer or have some other health challenges. They don't understand it. What happened? Well, simply put, it's like this. We're born with a reserve to protect us against some of the assaults against our body. Think of it as a stack of $100 bills. Over time as we abuse our body, for example, by eating processed foods, junk food, unhealthy food, we spend some of those $100 bills. Eventually, if we continue eating unhealthfully, the whole stack will be gone. That's when we'll have big problems. We're no longer able to get away with the indiscretions that we could when we were younger. If you've already experienced this, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, your stack of $100 bills hasn't run out yet. But you don't know when it will. It could be tomorrow. It could be two weeks, or five or 10 years from now. But why take the chance? And much, much more! Healthy Eating Some of the things that you could experience if you're not eating healthfully might include: •Headaches •indigestion •indigestion •depression •difficulty sleeping •poor memory •senile dementia •anorexia/bulimia •dry skin •adult acne •constipation •poor digestion •halitosis/bad breath •mouth/tongue ulcers •menstrual problems •diarrhea •irritability •fatigue •polyps •diverticulitis •gallstones •osteoporosis •COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease •anemia •asthma •mental illness •irritable bowel syndrome Healthy Eating Contents: •Healthy Eating for Adults •Healthy Eating During Pregnancy •Healthy Eating During Exams •Healthy Eating At Work •Feel Good And Look Young With Healthy Eating •Eating Healthy When Dining Out •Eating Healthy Under Stress •Eating Healthy For A Big Game •Eating Healthy For A Better Heart •Eating Healthy During Traveling •Eating Healthy After A Hangover •Does Hypnosis Therapy Really Help For Healthy Eating •Dark Chocolate Is Healthy Eating - Miracle or A Myth •Benefits Of Healthy Eating •Beat Obesity With Healthy Eating •Why Should You Eat Healthy •The Secrets to Eating Healthy •Stimulating Your Love Life with Healthy Eating •Recipes For Healthy Eating •Healthy Eating Plan For A Diabetic •Healthy Eating On A Budget •Healthy Eating For Weight Gain •Healthy Eating For Teenagers •Healthy Eating For People Over Sixty •Healthy Eating For Infants Eating Healthy is delivered in PDF format and is viewable on any computer. All you need is "Adobe Reader" or "Acrobat eBook Reader" which is available free and already on most computers.
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