Magnets for our jewelry in our collection using high neodymium magnets, the strength of the magnetic field from 800 to 1800 degrees. Zasht0 and how magnets help first. Affordable and effective option for failing potoyannoto kompesatsiya of earth magnetic field. 2 /. powerful bio-chemical and bio-physical effects on the body. - And increase elasticity of a blood vessel tonosa - improving the activities of ednokrinnata system and hormonal balance - kletachnoto optimize feeding sodium and potassium volume - sadarzhanieto redistribution of iron and increase the body forming capabilities - improving biological activity of magnesium - prechislyavane of a blood vessels slag, cholesterol and calcium deposits - enrgiyniya activation volume in acupuncture points on the body - pain sedative - tryno improve blood circulation - improving transport of oxygen to all cells, tissues and organs - the normalization of blood pressure (hypertension and chronic) - prepyattsvane formation and effectively dismantle groups of elektrotsiti and platelets - raising pronitsaemosta kletachnite membranes of negative ions, some models includes a special ISTOCHNISI of negative ions WHO Saturation SPOSOBSVAT organisms and for effective prevention and treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma and strong respiratory diseases, neuroses , migraines, insomnia, acute raspiratorni diseases and hipertoniy hipotoniy, ulcers, strokes, heart attacks, gastritis, colitis, rheumatism, joint pain and other processes vazpalirtelni ... In addition, negative ions - by reducing thrombotic veroyatnosta, end the proliferation of virustni infektsiy - remove fatigue, eliminate stress and its effects, activate the immune system, increase rabotosposobnosta, enhance the quality of vazdoha, slow processes, narrow. Infra-red Rays-Some of our models grivnisashtestvuvat ceramic vloshki telestna temperature at which emit infrared light in dalechnia range (4-14 micrometers) When ifracheveni waves penetrate the skin, they come in contact with water molecules. As a result vaznikvashtiyat rezunans intensify micro vibratsiyte the molecular level, causing a heating effect, local micro - raising the temperature of tissues. This in turn leads to increased elasticity of a blood vessel. Due to the high micro-and macro tsirkolatsia of cows osigoryava a good job of tissues and organs in the body. As a result, accumulated toxins are derived easily from the body and rebound at a high level of rabotosposobnosta cells. The emergence of market technology Far infrared spectrum in Japan 10 years ago became possible thanks to biokeramikata - development of a national innovator Space Agency (NSA). Now it is widely used in USA, Japan, Korea and China germanium-germanium as Ispolzvaneto of micro crystal in one of our models leads to: - stimolirane saturation of tissues with oxygen (which sposobsva mozachnata for business) - to help purify the body from slag and toxins - oskoryavane of wound healing - fukntsionalnoto improved condition of the nervous system - and increasing rabotosposobnosta oskoryavaneto of vastanovyavaneeto after heavy physical exertion - okrepvane of the body's immune system biochemical Germany's BLOOD similar to that of hemoglobin, namely: - normal is elasticity of vessels and tonosa and they increased the speed of blood flow - to activate the full recovery of the blood system and improving blood sasirvaneto - stepped is vasodilatory, and protivootochnoto imunostimolirashto action.
130 USD InStock
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