At the beginning of 2000, there were nearly three hundred billionaires and five million millionaires living in the United States. Total household wealth had reached $37 trillion, up from just over $8 trillion when Ronald Reagan became president. The stories of these super-rich men and women reflect the social and economic history of the last 20 years. In his book, Roy C. Smith takes the reader into five core areas of opportunity today as well as the career turning points of key individuals in each: * Entrepreneurs like Mike Bloomberg, Sam Walton, and Ted Turner, * Dealmakers such as Kirk Kerkorian, Ron Perelman, and Larry Tisch, * Investors like Warren Buffett and financiers like George Soros, * Corporate executives such as Jack Welch, Sandy Weill, and Michael Eisner, * And entertainers like Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, and Tiger Woods.
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